On March 16th, the first Open Day of the LIFE INFUSION project was held with great success.
With the participation of more than 60 attendees and the media –Diari ARA and El Periódico– the project has achieved great visibility.
The Open Day began with the welcome and the description of the origin of the LIFE INFUSION project by the Directorate of Waste Prevention and Management Services of the AMB and the responsible of the R&D Analysis Service of the same area, who emphasized the need to promote and work on innovation. Specifically, they emphasized the importance of finding new ways to recover the resources in liquid effluents such as those treated in LIFE INFUSION project. Due to their complexity and volume of generation, this effluents should be treated constructively and sustainably to avoid wasting their potential for the generation of products such as biogas, nutrients and water.
Afterward, AMB and AMIU explained the waste management models of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and the Genoa Metropolitan Area, respectively.
After a break, EURECAT presented the LIFE INFUSION project, AMB the main challenges to achieve circularity in Ecoparc 2; Detricon the operation of the Stripping unit -the first stage of the project system- and finally EBESA described the operation of the pilot plant, where the results of the operation were shown.
To finish the Open Day, the participants visited the Ecoparc 2 waste treatment plant and the project demonstration plant, where they were able to see its operation in situ.
Do not forget to visit the project’s website and social networks. Moreover, remember to subscribe to the project newsletter to stay tuned with the latest updates!
The LIFE INFUSION project is co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union under contract number LIFE19 ENV/ES/000283.
The information published in this web page reflects only the LIFE INFUSION project beneficiaries’ views and work. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.