After the technological design has been successfully completed and tested in a lab scale, now it’s time to start the operating conditions testing phase to ensure that the system developed works correctly and it is capable to achieve the objectives of the project in terms of efficiency.
The first element to arrive to the Barcelona’s testing plant is the stripping unit. This equipment has two misions:
- To extract ammonia of the input flow -liquid digestate- to reduce the inhibition effects of the ammonia in the main flow at the following anaerobic digestion unit. This remaining cleaned flow will follow the biochemicall process to produce both biogas and fertilizer.
- To recover ammonia to produce another fertilizer through acid cleaning.
The stripping unit is expected to land in Barcelona in the next weeks.
The LIFE INFUSION project is co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union under contract number LIFE19 ENV/ES/000283.
The information published in this web page reflects only the LIFE INFUSION project beneficiaries’ views and work. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.