Eurecat participates in the PRO-FEM 2024 Conference held in Vic, Spain, on May 16th and 17th, presenting the LIFE INFUSION project.
The PRO-FEM 2024, supported by the Office of Fertilisation and Livestock Waste Treatment, explored opportunities and threats in the field of biofertilisers, particularly concerning the potential for efficient nutrient recovery, biofertiliser products and their market deployment. It also featured topics related to biogas and the valorisation of organic materials, topics strongly related with our project.
Eurecat presented the LIFE INFUSION solution in the block “Research and innovation on the production of biofertilisers”, explaining to the audience how the assembling of various proven technologies could be useful to recover nutrients, generate biogas and reclaim water from the liquid fraction of organic municipal waste and landfill leachate.
Furthermore, this event allowed a space for dialogue and experience-sharing with fellow professionals and industry experts, to explore synergies between LIFE INFUSION and some of the most relevant projects in the field of material and energy recovery from waste. Finally, the current legislative framework for the commercialisation of biofertilizers was also explored.
Do not forget to surf on the project’s website and social networks. Moreover, remember to subscribe to the project newsletter to stay tuned with the latest updates!
The LIFE INFUSION project is co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union under contract number LIFE19 ENV/ES/000283.
The information published in this web page reflects only the LIFE INFUSION project beneficiaries’ views and work. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.