The arrival of the stripping unit was an excellent opportunity to celebrate the first face-to-face consortium meeting of the LIFE INFUSION project. The meeting was held on November 23rd at the “Ecoparc de Montcada i Reixac“.
The consortium took the opportunity to visit the facilities of the biological mechanical treatment plant for municipal waste, Ecoparc 2, as well as the demonstration pilot, where the partners responsible for each process unit provided detailed descriptions of its operations.
Finally, a technicall meeting was set up to share strategies and parameters for the start-up of the Barcelona’s pilot test.
The LIFE INFUSION project is co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union under contract number LIFE19 ENV/ES/000283.
The information published in this web page reflects only the LIFE INFUSION project beneficiaries’ views and work. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.