Today, 9th of September, is the World Agriculture Day. This date is an important day to recognize the hard working labour of those who dedicate great efforts to produce our food day by day. In Europe, around 40% of the soil is dedicated to agriculture and from the expected population growth, the food production will need to be doubled by 2050.
In the European Union, there is a clear determination to empower and protect our agriculture, ensuring local production of food to be less dependent on external production. This is shown since 1962 in the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP), which aims to support farmers and improve agricultural productivity, ensuring a stable supply of affordable food while ensuring the farmers to make a reasonable living.
In the LIFE INFUSION project, we want to contribute to a more sustainable agriculture by developing a treatment system of effluents generated by the treatment of organic matter from municipal solid waste or those generated in landfill. The system is based on the combination of highly efficient biological and physical-chemical separation technologies that produce biobased products to be used in agriculture as fertilizers and soil amendments.
Don’t forget to visit the project’s website and social networks. Moreover, remember to subscribe to the project newsletter to stay tuned with the latest updates!
The LIFE INFUSION project is co-funded by the LIFE Programme of the European Union under contract number LIFE19 ENV/ES/000283.
The information published in this web page reflects only the LIFE INFUSION project beneficiaries’ views and work. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.